Generics in Go, insert in a Binary Tree

Daniel Carvallo
2 min readMay 8, 2022

First release of the implemetation of Generics is ready to use with Go 1.18. And without going into much discussion, I would like to say that with generics is a feature for implementing clean and reusable code.

Photo by Chinmay Bhattar on Unsplash

This article is a friendly explanation of the Generics implementation in Go, specifically by inserting nodes into a binary tree.

Placeholder T

The generic type, in this case the character T , is used as the type of a value. This generic could be int or string , we would know the specific type until the type is instantiated with an explicit one.

For now I am going to use a structure like the following:

type BinaryNode[T NumberType] struct {
value T
left *BinaryNode[T]
right *BinaryNode[T]
type BinaryTree[T NumberType] struct {
root *BinaryNode[T]

T could be any type of NumberType defined. The type is known so we can trust allways the final result, no extra checks like with an interface{} . With Generics, if the type is wrong the code will not compile’ also we should see an alert in case of mixing types.

type NumberType interface {
int32 | int64 | float32 | float64 // Go 1.18 embedded interface

No interface{} was used, nor any check of the type of T, just have to return the value of the type.

func (n *BinaryNode[T]) getValue() T {
return n.value

That's it, now the binary tree can be created. You can be sure that the first tree will only accept int64, while the second treeFloat will accept float64 ; mixing types will prevent compilation.

func main() {
tree := &BinaryTree[int64]{}
tree.InsertNode(BinaryNode[int64]{value: 11})
treeFloat := &BinaryTree[float64]{}
treeFloat.InsertNode(BinaryNode[float64]{value: 11.11})

Here I leave how to insert new nodes, only one function remains pending to print the final tree and one to insert values in existing Nodes.

func (t *BinaryTree[T]) InsertNode(n BinaryNode[T]) *BinaryTree[T] {
if t.root == nil {
t.root = &BinaryNode[T]{value: n.getValue()}
} else {
return t




Daniel Carvallo

My primary goal of doing this is the intellectual curiosity, the seduction of adventure.